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March 13th

I haven't seen my folks since Thanksgiving. I miss them a lot! In March I am coming to Wisconsin for church retreat. I will at least be able to see them for about an hour or so before we
have to turn around and come home. But hey, it's better than nothing!!

I get to come up and have a long weekend for Easter. I can't wait!!!!!!!!


My Target Day

I found some coupon match ups for Target.
I tried my best to get only what I had coupons for.
Here's what I got!

Now I'll break it down for you.

7th Generation Dish soap shelf price $2.69. I had
a manufacturer's coupon for $1 off and a Target store coupon
for $1 off. Final price= .69

Up & Up Brand Bleach shelf price $1.47
Target coupon for $1 off
Final Price = .47

Denim Pants clearance price $6.24
Target coupon for $5 off
Final price = $1.24

10 smart ones meals on sale for $1.80 each. $18.00
Target coupon for $5 off of 10
Manufacturer coupon for $3 off of 10
Total price $10 or $1 each

5 Weight watchers Desserts $1.80 each $9.00
$1 off of 3 $8.00

Target promotion buy 7 frozen food items get $5 gc
I got 2 so total price for WW meals ( in my mind ) $8 for 15 items. or final price .53 each

Activa yogurt $1.89 Target coupon for $1 off
Manufacturer coupon $1 off = FREE

Up & Up mouth wash $1.42
$1 off Target coupon
Final price = .42

After savings, total spent was $10.82 :-)


I'd buy the sign.

When I was in my late teen's and early 20's, my mom had a motto about me.
"If there is a sign saying sale or clearance, she'd buy the sign."
Yeah, you know parents. They know us better than we know ourselves.

Since we decided to go down to one income, I've been looking for more ways to save money.
The first step I took was just fun stuff. I started getting free stuff the easy way. Letting
someone else do all the leg work for me. I just had to fill out info on where to send the goodies to! Freebies4mom is where I started. I just love her site!! Very well organized!

Then I started playing sweepstakes through her site as well. Now that's fun. So what if I've mostly won free bags of Hall's cough drops and a few months worth of Toaster Strudel?
I did win a pair of Skechers Shape up shoes! That was awesome! I admit to doing The Dance of Joy!

Finding bargains and saving on groceries has become a bit of an obsession. I've already knocked a little over $100 off our monthly grocery bill. We are not starving either!

Today I went to CVS for some deals. I love to stack store coupons on manufacturer coupons and get Extra Care Bucks back!

Here's what I got today:
Huggies diapers $12.49
Huggies Pull ups $12.49
They were buy two for $17.98 and get $4 back in Extra Care Bucks
I also had a coupon for $2 off of Huggies Diapers and a coupon for
free Pull Ups from my House Party Kit.

Total spent on these? $3.49 and I got the $4 to use on my next trip.

Lady Speed Stick deodorant $2.99 with $2 in ECB
coupon for .50 off.
final price? $2.49 with $2 for next visit.

4 20 oz bottles of diet Coke. I can't believe that these little guys
cost as much as the 2 liter bottles!! Ugh!
So they are $1.69 each. I had one coupon from CVS for $1 off of 2.
and 2 coupons I printed out from the internet for BOGO.

Final price? $3.07 instead of $6.76

So I bought $34.73 worth of stuff, paid $20.05 and still have $6 to used next time.
Sort of like paying $14.05 for it all! Less than half price!
And when I got home I found an email from CVS for $4 my next shopping trip of $20 or more. :-)

Not my best score by far, but I'll take it!
One of my best deals is one I did for a friend. She is the Queen of bargains!!!
Here is that deal! I'm a Wholly Guacamole addict now. I hope there is a 12 step


Try this on for starters

I have never thought I had much to say about anything, much less write ( type ) about it.
And even if I did, who would read it? Who would care?
I am starting a new journey, to get healthy. I'm hoping to be able to utilize this
as some sort of accountability.

I went to the OB/GYN today. I was there a year ago January in which time I've lost 43#.
It hasn't been easy. Well part of it was.
From January til June or July, I was stuck not really losing anything at all. Bummed beyond belief I asked my Internal Medicine doc what to do. I'm sure he was thrilled that I was a blubbering, bawling fool about this. After a lot of discussion, we agreed to try me on
Phentermine. This is a prescription strength appetite suppressant and it apparently increases your metabolism. He impressed upon me that this would be for a jump start and maybe would only work for the first 20# or so. Fine with me, at least it would be something!

So by October I had lost the bulk of the 43#but things were slowing down considerably.
Oh one side note. Increase in metabolism? Great. I stayed up til 1 almost every night and got up with my toddler every morning about 6 or 7 and felt awake!!!! Crazy stuff!
So February 3rd was my last pill. The next week I dragged butt. I had to keep turning around to pick it up off of the floor. I wanted to nap several ( five!) times a day!

On Sunday the 6th I re joined Weight Watchers. As of Monday I've lost 3.4#.
Mental note: I picked a Monday night meeting because they are convenient with hubby's work
I truly DETEST weighing myself in the evening and AFTER the weekend!! UGH!!
But hey, I still lost 3#!!

I have a friend who has been getting healthier for awhile now. She is a true inspiration! I love her to death!!! We both used to live in the same town. First she moved out of the city. Then I went and got married and moved out of the state! We hardly see each other now. Thank goodness for Facebook!!!In 3 1/2 weeks we get to hang together all weekend at a Ladies retreat put on by my former church district. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!! We promised each other we'd be working out that weekend too. No matter what!!!

Did I mention I'm excited to see her? :-)
I can't believe I've said this much already. Maybe, deep down, there is a blogger in me waiting for the chance to run free.
We'll see.
If you are coming along for the ride, great! I hope I never post anything that offends you, but if I do, it's my blog and I'll be posting what I want!! HAH!!! :-)