I dread looking for new stylist!!! I had last seen Cindy in April. Just before my wedding.
Now keep in mind that I am used to going every 6-8 weeks.
That would put me somewhere in June.
Well, by the time I came to terms with the fact that Cindy's schedule ( now Tuesday through Thursday ) and my weekend trips of Friday through Sunday were never going to accommodate a hair cut. I decided to start looking for salons.
Did I mention it's October? 6 months!!! not 6 weeks! I have been living in "hair hell"!
Well I found this nice little shop up in Antioch. I drive to Antioch for church and Keith's brother and sister in law live up there. It's a really quaint little downtown area.
I went in thinking I want to have a perm so I can grow it out. Then I wouldn't need to come in so often. Which would work out especially well if this gal turned out to not be so great. I hate telling stylists that I want a perm. You'd think you were asking them to
give you a mullet!
So I just kept my mouth shut about that and told myself to let this gal do what she thought was best. Well to a certain dollar amount!
So after looking at my hair and touching it she suggested a texture wave.
Texture wave? What on earth is that???? Some new fangled thing?
So I asked her if it was anything like a perm. She leaned over and whispered " we don't call them that anymore." It was sort of like we were at some big soiree and she was instructing me on who to talk to and who not to talk to and that I shouldn't belch in public.
I was relieved though. She actually told me that I should get what I wanted and I hadn't even told her!
Sweet! Things went well, she was fun and my hair looked great!
I booked a trim for December.
I was in the grocery store when they called to confirm. But they told me the name of
some other gal. I said no, not Summer ( or what ever they said) but with Lisa.
Well, Lisa was no longer with them. Kill me now! I found a great stylist right off the bat and she was ripped away from me just like that??? Forget it!!
I told the gal on the phone I really wanted to see Lisa and as that wasn't going to happen I cancelled my appointment.
I wasn't able to get any info on where she went or if she was even doing hair anymore.
I was bummed!
Well it's February. I get an email. It's from Lisa! She's opened her own shop!!
I booked right away! If you remember, it had been October since my last cut. I was doing better, 4 months instead of 6.
Again, fabulous job. I booked another appointment.
I called in March to see if I could change my appointment around a little.
They were glad I called. Lisa was no longer there. Well they said a temporary leave of absence.
I calmly cancelled my appointment and sat at my desk, dumbfounded.
I needed to get in before Easter. The good news is I was headed to Green Bay and I'd be there on Thursday before Easter. I called my mom to see if she could bribe Cindy to get me in that day.
We have a winner folks!! 3 pm!! I think she normally leaves at 3, but I can't say for sure. Yay yay yay!!
So I'm good again for awhile til I find someone else!!
I was introduced to a colleague of Keith's the summer before we had Josh.
Julie. She had just had a baby in March. Her first as well.
Julie and her hubby and Keith and I got together a few times.
Julie's hair is always awesome. So I asked her where she goes. She told me his name is Alex. I'd never had a guy do my hair before. Can't hurt right? I mean really, what could be worse than "bomb scare hair"?
So Julie and I booked back to back appointments. Our hubbies were home with our boys. We were out doing girly things. It was like heaven!
Alex did a super job!! Oh and that guy at the shampoo bowl? He really knows how to massage a scalp!! Bliss!!!
I continued to see Alex. By now I'd gotten used to going about 3 times a year.
Alex moved from his current salon to one in Barrington. That's about 30 minutes from my house, but so is everything else. So I headed out to Barrington.
It's July. I need help!!!
Alex saves the day!
And I'm good again for awhile. I called him in August and told him my 20 year class reunion was in September and I want it colored and highlighted or whatever. I just wanted to look great! He told me that he'd call me back the following week to book it.
Never did.
I was bummed again!! So I didn't nothing exciting with my hair for the big event.
Keith and I actually left early. Very early :-)
So back to square one finding a stylist.
I guess I should stop now and give you a part three soon!!
Yes, the saga continues!
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